
7 Ways to Automate Salon Work

Meta – Salon work is promising and performs well all through the year. With the help of technology, you can take it even further in terms of business growth. For this, all you need to do is find the best automation tools.

Salon automation can enhance your productivity by streamlining your operations. You can spend more time on your clients than on doing repetitive, mundane tasks. Tasks such as taking bookings, sending reminders, and managing payroll can all be automated when using the right software.


1. Offer online booking

Offering online booking makes it very convenient for your clients to schedule appointments. They can easily see what appointment times are available and make bookings whenever they choose to do so. They can even make appointments after business hours when a receptionist isn’t available.

You are still fully in control as you need to approve and confirm appointments. Customizing your online booking site helps to create a more seamless experience for users. For example, you should ensure that you clearly name your services and packages.

When using a Macbook for checking appointments, you may experience some common technical issues. Battery is one of the most common parts that can land you in trouble. To overcome the issues related to it, use this link. It will help you to fix issues and carry on with work as usual.

2. Send service-specific reminders for the next visit

Data shows how frequently your clients visit the salon and for what purpose. Access to data insights like this can help you to retain them. You can send them automated reminders specific to the services they use on a regular basis. This may be for hair appointments, manicures, waxing, etc.

3. Streamline stock management

You never need to run low on stock with good inventory management software. All you have to do is set your minimum stock requirements. The system will automatically list the products and quantities you need and send the order to the distributor for you. You don’t have to count bottles, call the distributor, or complete forms. If you have more than one salon in different locations, you won’t have to restock in one location if you have a surplus in another. You can simply transfer stock from one to the other.

4. Send appointment confirmation notifications

Sending out automated reminders before an appointment to confirm it can help to reduce no-shows. Last-minute cancellations and no-shows can be high and you can reduce this by sending out reminders via multiple channels such as SMS and email. You can set up reminders to go out after clients make appointments. The system then follows up with automated reminders before the appointments.


5. Automate greetings and offers for birthdays and anniversaries

Don’t miss out on the opportunity to send clients best wishes on their birthdays or anniversaries. You can even send them promotional offers to attract them to visit the salon on these special days. Any strategy for making clients feel special is a strategy for more clients. There are also many other types of messages you can send to clients between appointments to maintain consistent communication.

For example, you could inform them about a new range of hair care products or a special offer. You can also offer clients a reward program such as awarding points for every visit which can add up to free appointments or other rewards.

6. Simplify payroll

Salon software with payroll helps you to pay your employees in an accurate and timely way. You can convert timesheets into hours which makes it easy to calculate wages and taxes. Automatically process your tax filings and get alerts when labor laws change to ensure compliance. You should look for software that integrates with other tools you may use such as accounting software like Quickbooks.

7. Manage appointments with a waitlist

You may be using digital signage that’s eye-catching enough to draw in new customers. However, unless you offer them excellent service you won’t retain them. It’s frustrating for clients if they can’t get an appointment. If you receive more appointments than you can handle, you will need to manage this with a waitlist.

As appointment times become free or you have cancellations, you can add them to the appointment book. Your waitlist can include all the client’s details and requirements. Having a waitlist is particularly helpful for busy periods, like the Easter or Christmas season.


Automation can optimize the way your salon does business. You can automate many repetitive tasks such as online bookings, reminders, ordering, and payroll. This gives you more time and energy to respond to the needs of your clients and develop relationships with them.
