Mentored by Failure: A 5-Point Guide to Long-Term Success in the Beauty & Style Industry

Audiobook Mentored by Failure: A 5-Point Guide to Long-Term Success in the Beauty & Style Industry


*This #1 best-selling book is used as curriculum in several cosmetology schools and barber colleges around the nation*

For those who have ordered the book, inquired about the book, brought the book into your classrooms, or gifted the book to other entrepreneurs, thank you! Dr. Tye says that this is the book he wishes he had when he graduated from beauty and barber school almost 30 years ago. It’s a quick read and available for order on Amazon.com.  Because not everyone is a visual learner, here is a snippet from the audiobook. Enjoy!

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Mentored by Failure is very informative. I liked the open and honest approach. This book kept my attention all the way through. No doubt it should be considered for classroom use to teach others how to start a business, how to work your business, how to stay in business.”
“I couldn’t put it down. I read it in one night!”
“This book is a guide for any #entrepreneur ready to propel towards success.” – @les

Grab your copy at Amazon.com!

