
Boost Your Beauty Business: Top 10 Strategies to Draw in More Clients

Getting your name out there as a skilled beauty professional in a world of other skilled beauty
professionals can be challenging. You may feel like you’re drowning under other websites or
can’t compete with locals in your area. Feeling unseen is a common problem with many
business owners, but don’t worry. If you want to attract more clients and boost your business,
learn the best strategies and methods to attract more clients and market your beauty services,
from makeup to haircare.

1. Make a Website

A website is one of the best ways to create a name for yourself. Creating a website lets potential
clients learn about you, your work, your location, and how to schedule an appointment. You can
include as much information as you want. You can even optimize your website’s content to
appear higher on search engines using search engine optimization (SEO) practices. (You may
need to hire a professional marketing company for this.) Including a contact form and an
appointment scheduling option online can increase your client numbers quickly. If you already
have a website, make sure it loads fast and isn’t too artsy to read. You want it to be attractive,
but you don’t want it to be impossible to use. Make sure it loads well on mobile, too.

2. Create a Google Business Profile

When you look up a local business or ‘(item) near me,’ you’ll likely pull up a lot of Google
Business Profiles. A Google Business Profile lets you see images, reviews, websites, hours,
and contact information for a particular business. You can create one for yourself, even if you
don’t have a permanent physical location. Verifying and creating your Google profile can help
put you at the top of client’s radars. They’ll be able to leave reviews, look at reviews, and
schedule appointments easier.

3. Encourage Reviews

A business’s online reviews can be the deciding factor on whether to give your skills a try.
Encourage your existing clients to leave a review on the platform of your choice (Google,
Facebook, or Yelp are some excellent choices). The more reviews your business receives, the
more comfortable clients will be when booking your services. Ensure you also respond to
reviews—it shows you care about your clients’ feedback and opinions, even when they’re

4. Allow Online Appointment Scheduling

Many clients prefer multiple appointment scheduling options. Open your options to allow online
or email appointment scheduling in addition to phone or your original methods. Medspa
can help you schedule and manage appointments automatically without worrying about
overbooking or forgetting. Having a range of options for appointments and inquiries can help
boost your clientele.

5. Have a Designated Location

Working out of your basement may save money, but you should consider having a designated
location for clients to show up. Having a business address can make your clients feel more
comfortable. You can also rent out a space temporarily for your appointments, even daily.

6. Create a Social Media Portfolio

In the beauty industry, pictures are worth way more than 1,000 words. If you’re not on social
media, it’s time to start. Create a profile for your business on as many social media profiles as
you’d like, ideally more than one. Instagram is a perfect option for professionals like hair stylists
or makeup artists, as you can show off your work on this image-focused platform. Post your
best work (as long as you have your client’s permission, you can blur their faces for added
security). TikTok focuses more on videos, but you can create fun DIY or advice content in your
free time. Facebook and X (Twitter) are great for posting images and text if you feel chatty.

7. Start a Blog

Your website can host a blog where you post opinions, DIY advice, tips, how-to guides, and
more. You can hire someone to create content for you, but if the content is SEO-optimized, your
website may appear at the top of search engine results for common queries in your industry.
You can draw in a lot of clients this way—it’s an effective inbound marketing tool.

8. Use Business Cards

When you see a client in person, even for a consultation, have a business card ready with your
name, contact information, and website. You can even encourage reviews on your business
card. You’ll stay on your clients’ minds if they have your name on a card. Appointment reminder
cards can work well for this as well.

9. Start a Reward Program

You can reward client loyalty with a reward program. Most reward programs give ‘points’ for
every visit or appointment, which can add up to provide discounts, free appointments, gear, or
other rewards. A punch card is another solid option, where each visitor earns a hole punch, and
when the card is filled up with hole punches, they get a reward. You can tailor your rewards
program however you see fit, but they can entice clients well.

10. Spruce Up Your Space

Before your client arrives at your designated space, decorate it a little. Decorating can be easier
if you have a permanent space, but a bouquet and some string lights can work wonders, even in
temporary spaces. The atmosphere of your location and the availability of amenities (water,
reading materials, free samples) can leave a great impression.


Drawing in clients is challenging when starting a beauty business. Establishing an online
presence, encouraging reviews, and making your website accessible are ideal ways to market
yourself. Starting a blog and branching out on social media can efficiently market and showcase
your skills.
