
ShearShare Co-Founder Gives Tips for Marketing on a Budget

This article was originally published on Rollingstone.com.

When it comes to marketing your business, money isn’t everything. While having a large budget can certainly have a big impact on your efforts, there are many marketing activities that cost very little to implement, and even more that don’t cost anything at all.

So for new or small businesses that have to operate on a shoestring budget, prioritizing the right marketing efforts can make all the difference. Below, a panel of Rolling Stone Culture Council experts share the areas of marketing they think are the most important to prioritize if you’re working with a tight budget and why those areas can give you the biggest bang for your buck.

Reusable Content

When working on a shoestring budget, extend your marketing reach by making your content live many lives. Why? Because content that engages is king. Did you record a podcast that went viral? Take that one podcast and repurpose it into an infographic, a snackable Wavve file, a blog post, an instructographic, and an Instagram Reel. By creating several formats, you extend the reach of your marketing dollars. – Courtney Caldwell, ShearShare, Inc.

A Professional Website

If you’re marketing your business on a shoestring budget, it’s important to prioritize a professionally designed website. Websites are the handshake of your brand, and you need to make a good impression. This means having a mobile-ready, user-friendly, search-engine-optimized website that functions intuitively and is designed strategically. – Dan Serard, Cannabis Creative Group

Community Relationships

A shoestring budget can be as complex but also as effective as one that has multiple zeros behind it. The power of community relations can be worth more than a multimillion-dollar campaign. Build local engagement by creating relationships with key organizations, becoming an education hub, implementing philanthropic programs, and more. Liven up your social responsibility and become a steward of the community. – Mike Weinberger, Unity Rd.

Click here for more tips.
