TDLR Licensees Affected by New Laws

New laws affecting TDLR licensees take effect September 1

More than 30 new laws will take effect in Texas affecting more than 500,000 licensed specialists who receive their licensing from the Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation (TDLR). Most of the laws passed during the 87th regular session of the Texas legislature will take effect by September 1, 2021, with some taking effect later in 2021. 

TDLR Sunset Bill

The TDLR Sunset Bill, otherwise known as, HB 1560, takes aim at deregulation of certain policies that have been in effect for extended periods of time. The bill will combine barbering and cosmetology programs and will also create a new governing board to oversee the new programs. This bill also abolishes instructor licenses.

Additionally, the Sunset Bill will deregulate specialty cosmetology licenses for wig stylists and wig salons. Starting September 1, 2021 a cosmetology license will not be required to provide styling services for wigs.

HB 3721

The laws also take aim at human trafficking with HB 3721 requiring cosmetology establishments display human trafficking awareness signs, including information about how to report suspicious activity to the Texas Department of Public Safety.

There are a number of other policy changes that affect a number of industries from massage therapy to towing, but to see the full list of changes head to https://www.tdlr.texas.gov/legislation.htm. There you can search by industry to see what policies changes are coming and when the changes take effect.

About TDLR

TDLR provides regulatory oversight for a broad range of occupations, businesses, facilities, and equipment in Texas. The agency protects the health and safety of Texans by ensuring they are served by qualified, licensed professionals. Inspections of individuals, businesses, and equipment are done on a regular basis to safeguard the public. Currently, the agency regulates 40 business and occupational licensing programs with more than 1,000,000 licensees across the state.
