PPP Loan Forgiveness Application

PPP Forgiveness Loan Application Form

The ‘COVID Months have been some of the toughest on the beauty and barbering industry. We’ve seen many amazing salons and barbershops shutter the doors, due to not being able to service customers. We’ve had rules and policies changed based on local and state mandates, which put many business owners in limbo as they wondered when they’d be able to open their doors for normal business hours. Luckily, with vaccinations on their rise, many businesses are beginning to get back to what they do well… helping people achieve the look they want. Likewise, the government is helping business owners by forgiving the PPP loans for businesses that receive upwards of $150,000.

PPP Forgiveness Loan Application Due Date Extended 

Although, that doesn’t erase months, if not years, of unstable income. The good news is the government is forgiving loan debts for businesses that borrowed $150,000 or more.

To qualify for PPP forgiveness loans, you need to complete and submit the PPP forgiveness loan forms which can be found here on ShearShare.com. We’ve dedicated space on our Business Resource Hub, where the form will live for as long as it is open to give all of our ShearShare community members direct access without having to click link after link finding what you’re looking for.

Part of our on-going commitment is to give our community of beauty and barbering professionals the resources and tools you need to be as efficient, sustainable and successful as you can be. ShearShare isn’t just about rentals, we’re about business growth. That will never change!

For access to the form and additional information, visit our business resource hub!
