
Small Business Owner in Beauty or Barbering? Get Free Resources From Google + Facebook In Response to COVID-19


So, yeah. COVID-19 is not showing signs of going away in the next few days. The good news is that large companies are reaching out to help the smaller organizations. Here are two ways you can take advantage of credits from both Facebook and Google.

1. Facebook Small Business Grants Program

2. Sundar Pichai, CEO of Google and Alphabet, shared how Google is providing $800+ million to support small businesses and crisis response

More specifically from Google for salons and barbershops: “$340 million in Google Ads credits available to all SMBs with active accounts over the past year. Credit notifications will appear in their Google Ads accounts and can be used at any point until the end of 2020 across our advertising platforms. We hope it will help to alleviate some of the cost of staying in touch with their customers.” These credits will magically show up on your account and be available to small and medium businesses, who advertise directly with us or through partners, around the world with active accounts since the beginning of 2019. 
