legal advice from ladies get paid

Want to Transition From a Commission-Based Model to Booth Rental During ‘RONA, or Vice Versa?


Before you make changes to your salon or barbershop business model, listen to small business attorneys discuss this topic and more.

Organized by our friends at Ladies Get Paid, this abbreviated recording was an open office hours with small business lawyers. The attorneys opened by discussing why it’s important to differentiate between seasonal employees, independent contractors (booth renters), and your full-time and part-time employees (commission). 

Additional topics covered:

  • If you’re considering making a change to your current business model, what is the required risk assessment? What is a permanent labor audit, and why should I care?
  • What’s the difference among a sole proprietorship, partnership, C-Corp, S-Corp, etc., and which is best for your small business?
  • What are the benefits of switching from an LLC to a foreign corporation?
  • How do I handle vendor contract “takebacks” due to COVID-19, as well as contract cancellations and terminations?
  • What is Force majeure, and how does it work?
  • As a small business owner for a beauty or barbering brand, what is my liability after we return to work?

We hope you find the entire recording helpful!

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