
Stylish Booths for Rent in the Heart of Midtown!!!

scissor icon4.94 (9 reviews) 90 Followers
Atlanta, GA
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Guests will be renting out chairs / stations within your salon or barbershop.
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Weekly Discount
Bookings greater than 4 days will have a discounted per day rate. Discount automatically applied at checkout.
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Monthly Discount
Bookings greater than 15 days will have a discounted per day rate. Discount automatically applied at checkout.

amenityOnsite Bathroom
amenityCable/internet TV
amenityBreak Room/Area
amenityFree Parking Lot
amenityCentral Temperature Control
amenityReception/Waiting Area
amenityStreet/Public Parking
amenityAccessible Public Transit
amenityShampoo Bowl
amenityRolling Cart
amenityAnti-fatigue Mat
amenityStation Mirror
amenityDryer - Hooded
amenityBroom & Dust pan
amenityStorage Cabinets
amenitySteamer (Facial)
amenitySteamer (Hair)
amenityDisinfectant Liquid

Hosted by Femi Opanubi


About the Salon
The Midtown Beauty Bar presents a clever and groundbreaking rental solution tailored for Independent Beauty Professionals and their clientele.